Pregnant Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Cheated On Her After Friend’s Family Posts GoFundMe (2025)

Pregnant Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Cheated On Her After Friend’s Family Posts GoFundMe (1)

Couples, News


A pregnant woman found that her boyfriend of seven years cheated on her with her friend, discovering the shocking betrayal through a GoFundMe page set up by the mistress’ family. Pleading on social media, the heartbroken woman revealed that in addition to expecting her second child with her disloyal partner, she was also left alone with their “severely autistic” daughter.


  • Pregnant Kristen Kelly found out boyfriend Chris cheated via mistress' GoFundMe page.
  • Chris used Kristen's money for Mexico trip with mistress, claiming he was working.
  • Kristen was left alone with their severely autistic daughter during the boyfriend's trip.

Taking to her TikTok page on June 7, Kristen Kelly posted a video of herself breaking down in uncontrollable tears, explaining how her boyfriend, Chris, had gone on a $6000 Mexico trip with her friend, Kalyn.

To make matters worse, Chris and Kalyn had used Kristen’s money to go on their little traitorous getaway.


Kristen, who was 34 weeks pregnant with her second child at the time, said Chris had told her that he was working an hour away from their home the entire weekend when, in reality, he had left the country with Kalyn.

Kristen Kelly discovered that her boyfriend, Chris, of seven years cheated on her with her friend, Kalyn


Image credits: baddiebabymamma

Image credits: baddiebabymamma

Staying at home alone with their first child, who is a five-year-old non-verbal autistic girl and, therefore, can’t be left with a babysitter or another family member, Kristen realized that something had gone terribly wrong when she discovered the GoFundMe page that Kalyn’s family had set up after she suffered a motorcycle accident with Chris.


“For once, a motorcycle accident saved someone’s life,” the devasted mother wrote in the caption of the video, which has amassed over 12 million views.

The woman, who lives in Lynnfield, Massachusetts, USA, exclaimed in the nearly six-minutes-long clip: “I feel so betrayed, I feel so stupid, I am so f*****g mad, I’m so sad, I’m so angry.”


Kristen made the shocking discovery through a GoFundMe page set up by Kalyn’s family

Image credits: baddiebabymamma


Image credits: baddiebabymamma

Kristen noted how Chris and Kalyn had gone on to “live their life” while she was staying at her “ruined” home with, in the approaching future, two kids to take care of by herself.

In a new follow-up video posted on Saturday (June 15), Kristen, who is now about 35 weeks pregnant, affirmed that she would not be getting back with her unfaithful ex.


“Like, let’s be real here, this man cheated on me, and if this man loved me, he wouldn’t have done that,” Kristen said.

Kristen revealed that in addition to expecting her second child with Chris, she was also left alone with their “severely autistic” daughter


Image credits: Janice Minichiello

@baddiebabymamma My boyfriend of 7 years, Chris cheated on me with my friend. They used a $6k trip that I bought for our family. I am 34 weeks pregnant with our second child. He told me he was working an hour away for the entire weekend however in reality he left the country with her. Our first daughter was born at 34 weeks so him being near was very important. Our older daughter is severely autistic and can’t be left with a baby sitter or family member so if I had gone into labor they are literally would’ve been no one to watch her while on the trip Kalyn and Chris were in a motorcycle accident. Her family made a GoFundMe, which is how I found out. For once a motorcycle accident saved someone’s life. #mentalhealth #crying #cheating #mentalhealthmatters ♬ original sound – Kristen Kelly

Chris and Kalyn had a motorcycle accident during their Mexico trip that was paid for by Kristen

@baddiebabymamma I want to thank everyone who has reached out to me and supported me in truly the worst time of my entire life. I have decided to take the high rode and no longer speak about my ex or to my ex (for awhile, I have to heal) I don’t want negativity or drama in my life. I am going to be giving birth in less than a month. I need to focus on my daughters. Reliving my pain isnt going to change anything. Him and I will NEVER be in a relationship again and i’m eternally greatful to that motorcycle for that. I have faith in God that he will provide for me, heal me, and help me be the best mom I can be. Psalm 71:20-21: “Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once more” #movingforward #forgiveness #peaceofmind ♬ original sound – Kristen Kelly

The mom went on to reveal that Chris would undergo therapy in addition to limiting his drinking, a positive change that she welcomed, as she still wanted him to be involved in their children’s lives.


“You have children with somebody ’cause you think you’re gonna have a life with them, you know?” Kristen said

The earnest future mom-of-two currently labels herself a “single baddie” and has recently set up her own fundraiser on GoFundMe, asking people to make donations to help her buy diapers and a mini-van equipped for people with disabilities.


“I figured If some lying, home-wrecking w**re could get $40k for crashing a motorcycle and lying why not ask for help when I truly need it,” Kristen wrote in the fundraiser, which has raised $7,274 out of its $50,000 target, as of Monday (June 17).

Kristen’s testimony drew a lot of sympathy from viewers







Pregnant Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Cheated On Her After Friend’s Family Posts GoFundMe (2)

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Pregnant Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Cheated On Her After Friend’s Family Posts GoFundMe (2025)


Pregnant Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Cheated On Her After Friend’s Family Posts GoFundMe? ›

A pregnant woman found that her boyfriend of seven years cheated on her with her friend, discovering the shocking betrayal through a GoFundMe page set up by the mistress' family.

What to say to a cheating boyfriend to make him feel bad? ›

Let him know that he hurt you.

Be direct and honest and tell him that you cared about him and what he's done has ruined your relationship. He may really regret his actions. For instance, you could say, “I can't believe you did this. I'm devastated.

What to do if your partner confesses to cheating? ›

Get Professional Help

In order to move past the cheating, you and your partner need to be open to discussing and identifying issues and problems in your own personal life and in your relationship. You might consider seeing a relationship counselor or a marriage counselor to help with that process.

What to do after finding out that your boyfriend is cheating? ›

How to cope with being cheated on
  1. Don't jump to conclusions. ...
  2. Accept the situation and that it's going to be tough. ...
  3. Put yourself first. ...
  4. Surround yourself with your loved ones. ...
  5. Try to avoid the drama. ...
  6. Don't make decisions out of fear. ...
  7. Take a mini-break from socials. ...
  8. Ask for (professional) help if you need it.

How does a guy act after he cheated? ›

Unexplained Absences: Frequent, unexplained periods away from home can raise suspicions. Sudden Defensive Behavior: Defensive stances when questioned may indicate guilt or concealment. Insecurity and Validation: Seeking affirmation outside the relationship can be a sign of deeper emotional struggles.

How do I make my boyfriend admit he cheated? ›

You can get your partner to feel guilty and admit it by asking abstract questions like, “how honest would you say yourself to be?” or “I hate lies. Have you ever consciously said a lie?” These questions can make your partner feel guilty immediately and slowly coerce them into admitting their infidelity.

Do guys feel guilty when they cheat? ›

Among men, 68% feel guilty after having an affair. Even if they haven't confessed to the affair, most cheating husbands feel guilty and express that guilt in their behavior. You may notice subtle changes in their behavior that make you wonder if your spouse is displaying cheating husband guilt.

What to say to get cheater to admit? ›

Offer some excuse as to why you can understand what they did. For instance, you might say, “I know I'm gone a lot for work. I could understand if you've been seeing someone else.” Offer encouragement with phrases like, “I've always been honest with you” or “Please just be honest if you're cheating on me.

How do cheaters act when confronted? ›

Anger and aggression are two other common initial reactions to accusations of cheating. Cheaters often use anger as a form of deflection to turn the situation around and make accusations against you instead, like that you don't trust them enough.

Do cheaters feel guilty when caught? ›

Many cheaters do feel remorse and guilt for their actions, especially when they recognize the pain they've caused their partner. However, the degree of remorse varies among individuals, and some may not feel guilty until they confront the consequences.

How do you punish a cheating boyfriend emotionally? ›

10 Smart Ways To Punish A Cheating Boyfriend Emotionally
  1. Go out with that male friend he hated.
  2. Get rid of his stuff.
  3. Be honest.
  4. Follow the no-contact rule.
  5. Tell people about it.
  6. How to punish a cheating boyfriend emotionally? Hit the gym.
  7. Go on dates.
  8. Channel the pain into your work.
May 15, 2023

How to treat a man after he cheated on you? ›

How to Move Forward After Someone Cheats
  1. Consider if you can trust them again. ...
  2. Talk to them about why it happened to understand the situation, then ask them to cut contact with the other person.
  3. Establish boundaries that you need to move forward, like having them regularly check in with their whereabouts during the day.

What goes through a man's mind when he cheats? ›

A man who cheats may be struggling with an inferiority complex or a crisis of identity. He may feel unlovable and believe this is an “excuse” to have an affair. He may rationalize his affair by blaming his partner: they “forced” him to do it, or perhaps he wanted revenge on them for something they did to hurt him.

What do men do after being caught cheating? ›

They may try to make the cheating sound less serious.

While an unfaithful romantic partner might admit what they did, they may then look for ways to make the cheating sound less serious than it actually was. For instance, they might say things like: “It was just sex. It didn't really mean anything.”

How does a man feel after being cheated on? ›

Men may also experience feelings of rejection, inadequacy, and a loss of self-esteem. Some men may even feel guilty or responsible for their partner's infidelity. They may wonder if they weren't fulfilling their partner's needs (especially physically) or if they contributed to their partner's decision to cheat.

What to say to a cheater to hurt them? ›

Message to a cheating boyfriend
  • “I gave you my heart and you betrayed it. ...
  • “I thought I knew you, but I guess I didn't know you at all. ...
  • “I think what hurts the most is when you give your all to someone. ...
  • “I can't believe I spent so much time trying to build a life with you for you to go and tear it down.
Mar 27, 2024

How to make him feel guilty through text? ›

For example; “I don't deserve to be treated like this, especially by you.” “I thought you were better than this, it's clear that you don't love or respect me as much as you say.” “I can't believe you would do/say something like that, it's really hurtful and disrespectful.”

How do I make him feel better after cheating? ›

These tips will help you approach the rebuilding process in ways that lead toward a healthy relationship.
  1. Take accountability. ...
  2. Apologize with sincerity. ...
  3. End the affair. ...
  4. Focus on transparency. ...
  5. Don't personalize your partner's actions. ...
  6. Decide on a way forward. ...
  7. Be kind to yourself. ...
  8. Focus on what forgiveness means to you.

How to make him realize he hurt you? ›

How to make a guy feel guilty for hurting you or ignoring you
  1. Focus on number one. ...
  2. Make sure you look amazing if you're likely to see him around. ...
  3. Make your new happiness known via social media and mutual friends. ...
  4. Delete his number. ...
  5. Radio silence is the way forward. ...
  6. If you see him, ignore him. ...
  7. Have fun, it's the best revenge!

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.