Paige VanZant and Mandy Rose share NSFW photos in another raunchy collaboration (2024)

Patria Henriques

Paige VanZant and Mandy Rose share NSFW photos in another raunchy collaboration (1)

Former WWE Superstar Mandy Rose has sent the world into a frenzy after getting spotted with former UFC Women's flyweight division contender Paige VanZant.

The two stars not only showcased their stunning looks but also announced an exciting new collaboration that has piqued the curiosity of wrestling as well as MMA fans.

Taking on Instagram, Mandy Rose and Paige VanZant shared a stylish pink bike-themed photoshoot featuring fashionable denim shorts and knee-high boots. Both Rose and VanZant have now announced a new collaboration, creating excitement among their fans.

The caption on the post reads:

"COLLAB ALERT!!! - PVZ + @mandysacs are back at it. Type 'TAG TEAM' in the comments if you love this duo together.

You can check out the post here.

Fans are already buzzing with excitement about the collaboration, with many wondering what the two stars have in store. Their collaboration posts have already received more than 23,000 likes and over 500,000 views on their video post.

Rose was released by WWE after losing the NXT Women's Championship to Roxanne Perez in 2022. As for VanZant, her last appearance in the wrestling scene was at Double or Nothing 2022, where she teamed up with Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky for a memorable victory against Tay Melo, Frankie Kazarian, and Sammy Guevara.

Paige VanZant on why she chose AEW over WWE

Former UFC fighter Paige VanZant has seamlessly transitioned from MMA to the world of pro wrestling. Paige made several appearances in Tony Khan's promotion, including clashes with the Inner Circle in 2021.

Last year, in an interview with Throwing Down with Renee Paquette & Miesha Tate, Paige shared her thoughts on why she picked AEW over WWE.

"I just didn’t know what venue that would be, if it would be WWE or AEW. I’ve been a fan of both, I actually did make the out to the WWE headquarters, you know... But they had a different plan for what they wanted for me, whereas at AEW, they were happy to partner with me and let me continue to fight MMA, continue to do bare-knuckle boxing. They’re on board to build my career and build me as a wrestler, and still let me be myself," VanZant said.

It will be interesting to see when Paige VanZant will be back in the world of pro wrestling once again.

Are you excited about the collaboration between Paige VanZant and Mandy Rose? Sound off in the comments section below!

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Paige VanZant and Mandy Rose share NSFW photos in another raunchy collaboration (2024)
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