NextGen Office Erfahrungen (2024)

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NextGen Office Erfahrungen (2)

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Über NextGen Office

Erziele bessere klinische Ergebnisse mit EHR-/EMR-Lösungen von NextGen. Das Ziel des Unternehmens ist es, dir eine qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung zu ermöglichen.

Erfahre mehr über NextGen Office


Their advantage is that it is built for cloud from ground up. It has extensive proprietary APIs and open FHIR integration for interop.


The pricing is based on a per physician basis. If you have a provider leave your practice/company, you are not allowed to terminate prior to your next renewal date.

Bewertungen zu NextGen Office

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NextGen Office hat eine Gesamtbewertung von 4,0 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 1.264 Nutzerbewertungen auf Capterra.

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  • 5,0(428)
  • 4,0(534)
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  • Psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge
  • Computer-Software
  • Finanzdienstleistungen
  • Buchhaltung
  • Hochschulbildung
  • Bildungsmanagement


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  • 2–10
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  • 1-5 Monate
  • 6-12 Monate
  • Mehr als 1 Jahr
  • Mehr als 2 Jahre

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NextGen Office Erfahrungen (3)


medical assistant

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Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr

Herkunft der Bewertung

Not the best but not the worse

3,0vor 4 Jahren

Untertitel auf Deutsch sind im Videoplayer verfügbar


Practice Administrator in USA

Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen, 11–50 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr

Herkunft der Bewertung

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:


Limited Customization & Difficult Corporate Team

1,0vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare:I would not recommend working with this company/software. There are numerous options in the market at comparable price points that offer superior products.


Provides standard EMR and Practice Management functionality. If all you're looking for is a simple EMR to track your patient encounters, this software is a decent option.


1. Extremely difficult to transfer from other EMRs to this system. Beware that there will be a lot of manpower needed in order to get you up and running unless you're willing to pay expensive migration rates.2. Account management and customer support teams are unorganized and inefficient. Often you have difficulty finding somebody who can answer your questions.3. The pricing is based on a per physician basis. If you have a provider leave your practice/company, you are not allowed to terminate prior to your next renewal date. You could be left with significant fees for unused licenses if your company has any turnover. Their team offered no flexibility with fees during the COVID-19 pandemic.


surgeon/owner in USA

Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Shady ethical practices

1,0vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare:In order to get my auto bill pay to stop I had to change my credit card number. NextGen would not stop extracting monthly payment from autopay that I had established years before. This company made a great deal of money from me for the years and the parting thanks was an exit gouge for all the money they could get. I spent many hours in discussion and in correspondence with the company to resolve this issue. Each person with whom I spot expressed understanding but said they didn't have authority to made the decision of turning off the automatic billing, even though I wasn't using the product. They acknowledged that I did notify the company but I notified the "wrong" department.


It was accessible in the cloud. I was able to free text fairly easily.


I had to nag my regional representative to get a response. He acted like he just didn't have time to help with issues. I needed to archive my records because I was retiring. My rep and the technical backup team from NextGen did not speak with a different department (billing). The billing department felt that I should given earlier notification in order not to fulfill a yearly billing cycle. It became apparent to me that the various departments don't communicate with each other. The billing department could have honored my telephonic and email communications that I had with two of their other departments and simply closed my account in a month or two. They chose to stiff me for a complete year of billing.

Difficult EMR to use, even more difficult to get rid of - Poor customer service, poor tech support

1,0vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare:Do your research before purchasing this EMR, because once you sign up with them, it is very difficult to get rid of it. They make it very difficult to sever the ties with them, and costly to obtain your patients' records and will continue to charge you if you have authorized them to withdraw the monthly subscription from your credit card, which might be related to the lack of communication between their different departments, but nevertheless amounts to harassment and lots of time wasted disputing those withdrawals with your bank.
I also got charged twice in 1 month last year, and still waiting for a response from their accounting department to get a refund for the overcharge (despite multiple emails)
If you use their efax service, make sure you get a list of efaxes you have received to verify the overage fees they charge you (so far they have not sent me the list of efaxes and continue to charge me for overage each month despite the fact I have canceled my services)


My biller felt the practice management/billing side of meditouch/NextGen office was about average but the issues with the EMR made this product impossible and ended up switching EMR


I started my subscription with meditouch/Health fusion, later changed name to NextGen office.The software is a billing platform with an EMR tacked on to it. I had used various EMRs during residency and in a group practice and this is the absolute worst product, most rigid software with lots of clicks and not user-friendly. Just reviewing a lab result is a hassle, needing to go in and out of the chart note, with numerous clicks in between. On several occasions, I noticed Meditouch glitching and chart associated with the labs belonged to another patient, therefore had to double check all the time, an issue that I had never encountered with any other EMR (EPIC, Cerner ambulatory, Praxis, even NextGen Enterprise etc.)Once the sales-person had sold the subscription to me he would not return my phone calls, and customer service was practically non-existent. Eventually got assigned a new contact person who was a lot more responsive but unable to solve any of the product related, customer service related or billing related issues.Eventually, I switched EMR, and canceled my subscription with NextGen and received a confirmation that my services were discontinued, but their billing department continued to charge my credit card on file. Make sure not to sign any authorization for the billing department to charge your credit card.In order to export my patients' data to my new EMR, NextGen wanted $ 5000. My new EMR (Praxis) transferred the data for a fraction of the price.


Doctor in USA

Medizinische Praxis

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

I must be missing something....

1,0vor 9 Jahren


It does have medical diagnostic tools like the Vanderbilt already included as well as an Asthma action plan/Asthma control test and several other questionnaires that are rather necessary in primary care as well as collates the information (i.e you can compare today's Vanderbilt score with their last Vanderbilt score without having to hunt down that note).However, true to NextGen's form, the things that worked really, really well (like having the school physical form be automatically populated with the vaccines), they have somehow succeeded in completely screwing up, making the very, very few good things about NextGen a rapidly diminishing anomaly.


Where do I start??? Having to input data several different locations, it is SLOW and every single thing you want to do has to open a new window (read between the lines and understand that in an already slow program, every page you open has to load) and with all of the windows you open, there's no way to minimize them to go to another screen i.e you can't minimize the medications so that you can review the patient's last lipid panel, TSH, blood pressure, etc. You would have to close the medication module, open the orders module to review the lab then go back to the medication module and open it to make any medication changes. And if you want to make any medication changes or do any documentation at all, you have to have an open encounter and none of the encounters are labelled in any sort of orderly fashion so you have to open each encounter to find out where you put anything (again, think of each page having to load/open and taking 5-10 sec each).Medications: you have to associate a diagnosis with every single medication if you are a provider which is an awesome idea except that if you haven't previously entered that diagnosis, you can't actually save your medication and go back to it, you have to close out of the medication module, enter the diagnosis into the assessment and then go back into the medication module and re-enter all the same information again.Labs: there is no way to save quick phrases or phrases you use frequently so that conveying test results is, on a great day, a lengthy and painful process. Also, if you want to know how your current lab value compares with the previous ones, you have to open up the patient's chart and go into the order module.Entering orders: again, if the proper diagnosis isn't there, you can't save your work and open something quick to pop the diagnosis in, you have to lose all of your orders, "X" out of that screen, open up the assessment screen then go back to whichever area you were in (another lovely thing: everything is separated so putting in lab orders is separate from putting in diagnostic studies which is in a different tab than putting in referrals which is in a different tab than any clinic orders (like toradol, PPD, u/a, etc). Also, if you are ordering any sort of medication to be given in the clinic (like Toradol), if you forget to add that it's a medication, it deletes the order and you have to start all over.Various names depending on the section: sometimes it's filed under Pulmonary, sometimes it's filed under Lung, sometimes it's filed under Respiratory...and the sections aren't in any kind of order either. The routine way physicians document an exam is starting with constitutional and working your way down. Nope. Not in Nextgen. The main page of the physical exam has One Page Exam, then constitutional, then diabetic foot exam, then ears, (separate from) nose/mouth/throat then neck/thyroid then breast (huh????) on down. However, if you open up a quick-note [great concept if it worked but the software doesn't actually recognize anything is in any particular field (i.e. HPI, Physical exam) and ROS doesn't even if you try to calculate the code it always comes up as a 99212)] and you want to modify the exam at all (because if you go into the one page exam and enter anything, because it doesn't actually recognize there is data there, it deletes everything except what you've just entered) you go into the "Additional" tab where the headings are (I kid you not) Neck/Thyroid then Breast then Psych then Ears then Constitutional then Respiratory then Nose/Mouth/Throat then Musculoskeletal then One Page Exam then Cardiovascular then GU then Abdomen the Skin/Hair then Head/Face then Eyes then Lymphatic then Vascular then Extremities then Rectal then Back/Spine then Neurological and on... The ROS starts with Cardiovascular and marches on down to end with Respiratory and then Vascular and one might think it was alphabetical except Reproductive is sandwiched between Immunologic and Metabolic/Endocrine.ROS: Since I brought up the review of systems, let's stop there for a moment. There are not things listed that a patient would say; they start out strong but then in Respiratory they include things like "Known TB exposure" (not really ROS but rather PMH or even HPI) and under Cardiovascular they include "Claudication" (not likely something a patient is going to complain about) and my personal favorite, under the female ROS is "Abnormal Pap smear." While there is the ability to pick "Other," most often the drop down menu that is supplied is a restatement of the things in the first menu so you have to hit escape and just type in your own words (or the patient's words).And on top of all of this, it has the audacity to be glitchy. One of the things it does for me is, even when I've entered an assessment, sometimes it doesn't recognize that it's there and then tells me to enter an flash: because of the way the software is set up, you can't enter a plan without an assessment there, so if I got to the screen where I could enter a plan...clearly there's an assessment there...however, you can't argue with a computer...I titled this "I must be missing something" because if you go to their web page, they've got all these awards that they've won, etc and I just don't see how anyone could award them for anything. This software is abysmal at best and, if I leave my current place of employment it will be because of THIS. Not my boss, not the patients, not the money, the EHR. And this was adapted because the Illinois Primary Health Care Group that is over all of the FQHCs thought that this was the best option for Health centers that are taking care of a challenging population who needs things to be easier for them not more challenging. And with this software, I am more likely to miss things that need to be done because EVERYTHING is on a separate page and with 15 minute visits, who has time to do all that with a slow EHR???Funny thing is, there's an update that may have fixed several of these issues but you can't task anymore so we can't upgrade. That would mean that every time you needed your nurse to do something, you couldn't send it to her, every time you wanted the front desk to schedule something you couldn't send it to them, every time you needed a follow up lab or test ordered, you couldn't send it to anyone to call the patient and do it. So either I'm missing something HUGE or the people who are evaluating NextGen and give it anything better than "Epic FAIL" are either working for the company or involved with someone who works for the company. My new analogy has become: if I did my job as well as they did theirs, I would be in prison for Manslaughter....



Medizinische Praxis

Verwendete die Software für: Nicht angeboten

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Great potential, but needs some improvement!

3,5vor 10 Jahren


They are improving the product consistently. There have been two product updates since we started with them in March. Customer service has improved greatly as well. 99% of the time someone who picks up the phone and helps you with your problems. They have daily webinars that are free of a particular topic, so you can log in, ask questions, get help, and then log off. The product has a lot of great things such as ease of sending the charges from the docs to the billing department, seeing the exact statement that a patient received so you can talk to them more intelligently, getting lots of detail on the claims, rescheduling a patient from one day to the next, and blocking a portion of the schedule or opening a portion of the schedule.


You can submit issues via email, but once they respond back, they close the case. Even if they didn't give you the answer you were looking for, you then have to email again and reference the case requiring you to print everything to keep track, because there is no way to follow the status of your case. If you submit feature requests, there is no way to know if they are working on it, aren't considering it, holding it for a future update, etc. There are specific reports that you can get, but if you need something that's not pre-built, there is very little way to obtain the info, if at all. I requested some kind of report writer. The reports all come out as an Excel spreadsheet which is good, because it allows you to manipulate and move around the data, but when you print it's very unwieldy and not pretty. They need to have a way to convert the report to a PDF format once you have it the way you like. Many of the reports don't offer options such as picking providers, locations, payers, so you have to manipulate the report after it opens to delete what you do not need, which is time consuming. The software is extremely dependent on location, which means everything you do has to be done by location creating a lot of work. If you have many offices, your docs do surgery in several locations and they are outpatient or inpatient. Changing or adding something has to be done many times, because you do it by location. It would be easier if there was a drop-down listing your locations and you only had to check the locations to which your additions or changes were applicable. Parts of the software feel as if they are too structured and everything has to fit into their predetermined way to do things. There is not enough flexibility and leeway to change portions that suit your practice. Vendor training was not great when we started and we paid for an outside vendor that works with Healthfusion to come on site and train us. I understand that the help and training portions have changed a bit since then and may be better. It has great potential if they would open up the software and be more flexible!




Verwendete die Software für: Nicht angeboten

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Professional billing service review of this software

2,5vor 10 Jahren


What I like best is that it is cloud-based. I also like that I can scan and upload documents to the patient's chart, and when you pull up a patient, you can pretty much see all the information on your patient regarding demographics, insurance, authorizations, and what is outstanding.


There are many things I do not like about this product. Posting secondary payments is a hassle. You end up having to manually post most of the secondaries because this software gives your claim a new ID each time the claim is submitted. Even if paid by the primary and you create a secondary claim, there's a new claim #. This causes the secondary ERA payment to not know where to post the money. The claim number should stay the same for the life of that claim. Also, they tell you that you can look up the claim easily when posting a secondary claim by doing an advanced search by the patient's name. Most of the time, this is not the case. You end up having to click on multiple pages to find the claim number so you can post the payment.I also am not a fan of the reports and the lack of filtering. Our sales guy told us that the software reports could be customized and if there was a report we wanted, we only had to ask. If there was an enhancement we wanted, we only had to ask. However, I can't even pay for a report or enhancement. When I ask for any enhancement, I am told it is not possible or that it will become part of the list, which never gets looked at apparently. Even the most simple request don't happen. For example, if an authorization is not active any longer, this should not print up on an authorization report forever. This causes the report to become gigantic. They will tell you that you can filter these things out yourself, but that is extremely tedious, especially after using the software over a long period of time and especially if this is a report you need to use every week.Another thing about the reports is that many of them are not live. If you do work today, you can not see what is accurate until the next day. The reports will show you what was what as of close of business yesterday. Also, the salesman told us that they worked with almost every insurance company and therefore we would be able to check claim status, track claims, check eligibility, referrals. This was a large exaggeration. They have maybe five insurance companies that can do 1/2 of that.Customer service is sometimes slow to respond, and they usually don't give very helpful answers when you send a written inquiry. The best thing to do is to call. But even then, they might not be able to help you because what you want, they simply don't have available.Also the fee slips you will have available to use from their system are terrible. The options are very limited, and the font is extremely small and hard to read. I am a billing service, and all of my offices complained. When I asked if the font could be enlarged, I was told no, even though there was much room on the slip that was not used.Training on this software was pretty much train yourself. You are allow three one-hour phone training sessions. You are given a lot of homework to do on your own first. If you can not make your appointment promptly, they will cancel it. If you are at your appointment but waiting on them, that is a different story. You have to do much of the setup with this software on your own, and it is not as simple as they would have you believe, especially exporting data from the old software to the new. They will tell you that if you can use an Excel spreadsheet, you can do it yourself. I had expert Excel spreadsheet staff do this for me, and it took forever to get it done. It was a nightmare and very expensive. This is because there are many requirements that are very vague. They offer pretty much no help.If you have to resubmit a claim multiple times, all the claims get new claim numbers, and the claims you do not want stay in the claim history. This causes what you are looking at to be confusing. Even if you just have to resubmit a claim because the insurance says they do not have it on file, it stays on claim history with a new claim number.Finally, when you have your insurances loaded in your payer list, they do not load with the addresses or phone numbers. You have to do this manually. Even when you do this and you want to print your aging report or work, the report shows without the insurance phone number or address. This is a large inconvenience when working your aging. It is also very hard to separate your insurance companies.


Verwendete die Software für: Nicht angeboten

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

5,0vor 12 Jahren

Kommentare:We are a single physician clinic in rural Texas. My physician is also my husband, and he is a board certified Family Practice osteopathic physician practicing in the same clinic for almost 30 years now. Our clinic is busy, and my staff is small. Employees are cross-trained in medical assisting and clerical duties and often cover each other depending on patient needs and/or staff absences. Having MediTouch PM software has given me a peace of mind, regarding patient care business needs, that I never had with prior computer programs. The system gets the insurance information correct and the insurance forms completed so much better than anything I've used in the past 15 years or more. I have less missed charges thanks to the patient page showing the listing of a patient's office visits. If the charges have not yet been entered, there is an "ENTER" beside the date just waiting to be clicked. This better assures the correct dates are posted. Staff uses the recall options to follow up on patient care and schedule future appointments with less chance of letting a patient slip by without follow up. The Electronic Remittance Advice documents are wonderful - no more paper and everything in one place. The search options allow us to go back to anything as needed. Automatic posting saves time and frees staff for other tasks. At present, we are operating with one less staff member as when we first began to use the system. As the physician's manager and wife, I appreciate that I can work on this day and night (for better or worse) without being tied to the clinic building. I am here at my home desk completing this review right now. I can finish posting claims, follow up on denied claims, generate and print statements all without carrying home boxes of papers. Having the data for both management and health records stored off-site is a blessing to me. The constant fear of system crashes and failed backups is over. I do not have the burden of upgrading to newer and more powerful servers at the clinic, but can use money to by better single computers that can connect with HealthFusion remotely and not to a central in-house server system. I am still learning many aspects of the system, and anything not yet learned is entirely my own fault as HealthFusion has improved the training materials greatly over the past year. They are now easy to find and access. My time is all that needs to be planned because they have done everything else for us. Reports are available if I want them, too. I have seen our clinic income increase; payments come more quickly and less error thanks to the MediTouch PM system. Whenever I do find areas that I think need attention, the customer service is quick to respond and have taken my suggestions into implementation on a few occasions. They are very personable and professional whenever we call, although I tend to use email when possible. The replies are quick and complete. We signed up for the programs in November 2010 based on promotional programs that were offered via the American Osteopathic Association. We didn't jump in to actually using the product until the following June when e-prescribing was required. If I could go back, I would have started the programs' use much earlier. I was simply afraid to jump in and leave our old systems behind. To my surprise, the transition has been easy. Thank you very much for the chance to share this experience. I do not mind providing more details if needed.



Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Dermatology Office Using MediTouch's HealthFusion for nearly 1 year

4,0vor 8 Jahren

Kommentare:In 2015, I spent countless hours reviewing/sampling one EHR after another to find a good fit for what we needed/wanted in an EHR. We were moving from paper and wanted a cloud-based solution. As a dermatology office, we absolutely need the ability to document patient's skin findings on a diagram. HealthFusion was one of the few that gave this ability and even allowed us to upload our own images which we have designed for quick easy use. Most dermatologists will utilize a more derm-specific product such as Modernizing Medicine's EMA, PracticeStudio, etc, however, another criteria we wanted in our EHR was something that was truly platform-independent and browser-independent -- could work on a ChromeOS computer, a Mac, a Windows machine, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, etc. Again, MediTouch's HealthFusion EHR & Practice Management product provided this capability while other derm-specific products did not and continue not to. We also do our billing in-house and wanted a robust billing product. MediTouch is their own clearinghouse which is a big benefit so when there are issues, we don't hear from our vendor "Oh it's a problem with the Clearinghouse", instead MediTouch customer service tells us "Oh we need to fix that". Customer service is overall very good - it is here in the United States (Pacific Coast which is our local time zone) and available relatively quickly. So why not five stars? Well, the EHR itself is not designed very well for a specialty-specific practice like ours so we went through a process of customizing it for our needs. We are happy that customization was available however it was a daunting and time consuming process. While the EHR system allows for some meaningful use and PQRS measures it does NOT collect data for specialty-specific measures so it's basically useless for our PQRS/MU/MACRA reporting needs. Which is very unfortunate and might force us to move to a derm-specific product.


Platform-independent (works on ChromeOS, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc.)Browser-independent (works in Chrome, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc)Cloud-based with no need for specific hardware/software in-house.Local to our time zone (Pacific) with U.S. based customer serviceClearinghouse is in-house with the vendorSpeed of operation - there have been moments when the cloud-based


Lack of specialty-specific Meaningful Use, PQRS, and MACRA measuresNeed for heavy customization for the purposes of documenting specific scenarios (specialty or otherwise)Extra components within standard documentation unnecessary for most specialtiesIntegration of PM and EHR could be a bit better


Doctor in USA

Medizinische Praxis

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Just as bad or worse than any other EHR

1,0vor 8 Jahren


communicates with my billing company, but I could just fax a superbill just as easily. does insurance eligibility checks, does eRx (but is often difficult to find the pharmacy unless you know the exact zip code, sometimes doesn't find the pharmacy at all, like Safeway's)


Wow, there is so much not to like... Word searching for ICD10 codes, past medical history and problem lists returns hundreds of search items that have absolutely nothing to do with the words being searched. Also, if you enter the words out of the order in which they would appear, you will never find them. Social History is much more than whether a person drinks alcohol or smokes. There is no way to put in valuable details of a patient's social history and automatically include it in your notes. A lot gets lost by having to adhere to some stupid engineer's formatting. Same with past medical/surgical/obstetric histories-you cant add any valuable details to anything (like which knee was replaced and what happened after their concussion, etc). The charting is so useless that I have given up and gone back to paper charting. I start an encounter just to put my billing through. Health Maintenance: I can't enter that a patient refuses to do a colonoscopy or mammogram. All I can do is "disable" that patient from being counted for meaningful use. Poor formatting: while they tout being iPad friendly, each page has lots of unused space, so there is a lot of scrolling just to enter data or get to the save button (and if you don't press save, you lost it). More poor formatting: entering vitals->information is so spread out that it takes two screens to enter. AND peak flow is on the first screen while height and weight are on the second "additional information" screen. Which is more important? Also watch out for the backspace button, sometimes it works like you would expect, and other places you will get logged out and lose all of what you were doing.



Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Don't waste your hardwork or time trying to use or implement.

1,0vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare:Beyond terrible. Do not waste your time


None. Beyond bad. The other programs are much better even with some frustation. This is easily the worst.


1. Nextgen customer service for implentation is an absolute joke. I had spoken to so many different employees and none seem to know what they are doing. Common answer to questions and you are placed on hold while they ask someone else or transferred to the next employee.2. Difficult to set up. Eclinicals, practice fusion, and athena got it right. Next gen is so wrong. If you are going to make it difficult to set up, maybe have employees trained how to use your program.3. After about 3 years of using the program and trying to put up with the short comings, I had switched EMR programs. Boy, did I forget how much better my life is with out Nextgen. I can leave work with records completed. Other programs are just so much more efficient.4. Just when you think you are out of the Nextgen trap. They will hold you records hostage. I was served a subpeona to request for a medical record, patient sueing an employer. I requested the record for 2 weeks and still have not received the record. I had missed the deadline, now probably in contempt of court.Please save your sanity and choose a different program.


LPN/nextgen admin in USA

Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 51–200 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

9 Years with NextGen

4,0vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare:NextGen is a robust EHR that seems to offers solutions for all aspects of medical documentation including Practice Management for patient scheduling and billing. They are excellent with keeping up to date with the Regulatory, Prescribing, and Meaningful Use aspects that are required. There are calls and news letters to keep the clients informed of any upcoming changes or updates. No EHR is perfect. All have pro's and con's. We have had the opportunity to change software in the past but after consideration we decided to stay with NextGen for many reasons including cost and meeting our needs. I would recommend this software to others!


We have been using this product for several years now. After looking at several other EMR's NextGen seems to be more user friendly than others I have seen. There is a lot of "clicking" and navigation to be done to complete a chart but it seems to be the same with all EHR's. NextGen offers recorded trainings, WebEx and onsite trainings to get the most out of the product. Support is quick to return calls when a ticket is opened for technical assistance or if you just need help with a workflow issue. We have integration/interfaces with several other products and all work really well together.


Providers would like to see "more intuitive" templates.There are some templates that you cannot print from that would be of help, for instance the Vital Sign Graph.


Business Administration Coordinator in USA

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

NextGen has been easy to learn and has grown with the changes that occur in the medical field.

5,0vor 7 Jahren

Kommentare:We transitioned from paper charts to this EHR. The process was challenging but nextgen navigated us through all of the ups and downs it takes to get through scanning paper records and training staff. We have improved all processes since the initial implementation. We have from scheduling on the front end to the billing and statements on the back end we improved those processes. We took our antiquated tickler tab system for prior authorization of our outpatient surgical procedures and moved it to an electronic way to tracked, authorize and then schedule procedures. This cut down on any procedure being schedules before it was approved. This help improve revenue in the long run. The benefits of patient portal are still being realized. Patients can communicate with office staff on their own schedule. After implementing online billing and payment options our payments on account have increased a great deal.


The ability to track authorizations using tasking and worklog as patient portal and how the messages easily populate into the front desk inbox. Patient portal can easily route the messages appropriately. And last, the ability to customize it to the needs of our specific practices slash specialty!


The ongoing upgrades although I know that is necessary for any EHR. Also there is no "reschedule" option for appointments. You can cancel then rebook and look at reschedule history but I personally like a reschedule button then follow the sequence needed.


Pediatrician in USA

Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Great experience

4,0vor 6 Jahren

Kommentare:This software is excellent in general, it has freed a lot of my time since I have customized it.


Once you customize documents, questionnaires, custom forms, physical exam information - it simplifies your work and you can be more efficient.Easy to customize once you learn how - my previous software took me long hours for several months to fix and even then it was not so easy, I had to keep typing additional data for my office notes.Saves time creating paper super-bills ( with my previous software I had to do it manually for every patient, then give it to the biller to post it), here once you close your note, the claim is actually ready to post... faster payments.The chief complaint has many set up questionnaires that are easy to use by staff and helps the health provider to quickly review the concerns, facilitates the interview, simplify the provider's work.Billing - has many ways to see the claims. Recall list for follow ups, blood tests, etc - once you order a test that is a follow up or in your note you document the follow up... automatically show in the recall list. Nice appearance of the finalized progress notes, many of the areas are automatically saving and you do not have to worry about losing your data. At the end of the day, you can review open encounters to make sure you finalized all your notes.Interfaces with labs and vaccine registries are available and work very well.Labs show automatically - there are icons on top of the page that make easy to find labs, tasks, messages, prescription requests, etc.


Unable to see several tabs or pages at once, you need to save and close what you are doing to go some other part of the chart or if you need to open other patient's chart at the same time you are with one patient in the room - same applies for the PM portion and it is time consuming because you can not multitask.


Finanzdienstleistungen, 11–50 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Not what we were hoping for

2,0vor 7 Jahren

Kommentare:We have about eight months into this software and are still struggling with very basic issues such as claims not making it to the carrier and reports not functioning to our (or our clients') level of expectation. I cannot report on many fields in the system and despite being told in the beginning that their reporting tool was being enhanced and we could report on individual fields, and spend additional money to export data so we could create our own reports.
Clients are increasingly frustrated with inability to get eligibility checks on many of their common carriers and to get anything much beyond just confirmation of coverage (not outline of actual benefits, etc.) Collections module is clunky and we have not found it to be effective.
On the upside, claims entry is fairly simple, and auto posting is a breeze, as is data entry of patient information.


Autoposting is fantastic. We find it does it correctly close to 100% of the time. When the system cannot effectively autopost, it "flags" the RA so that you can address it individually. When we initially converted, we found that importing patient demographics was refreshingly simple and something we could do on our own without additional costs.Patient demographics are easy to enter and maintain.


Reporting is completely ineffective. Canned reports don't balance against each other, and it's hard to quantify values. Not much assistance from Customer Service, although they do try to be helpful.EDI process has been nothing short of challenging. From enrollment issues in the beginning to claims submission and follow-up issues, we are finding as we work AR several months later we're still having issues with some of our claims from early on which can't seem to arrive at the payer, despite acceptance confirmation from Healthfusion/ENS. It's costing us hours of time on the phone and lost productivity. We also cannot actually see the acceptance reports and are told we can't have access to those because they're in larger batches, which again creates additional phone calls and work on our part.


physician in USA

Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

How I spent my summer vacation OR Why I like my Nextgen Software program

5,0vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare:I am satisfied with this program. I would prefer something that I could just speak to but that version of dragon is much more expensive.


I chose this software because it was designed by physicians, specifically osteopathic family physicians. It is organized in the traditional SOAP format so it is intuitive to most of us. It took me a little while to get comfortable with moving around in it but it is second nature now. I like to freelance my subjective paragraph and it's easy to do. Pull down's appear as if you didn't actually listen to the patient. The tech support is outstanding. I can call them and they are always helpful and very patient with a physician who may not totally understand every nuance of the program.


In the Rx number of days section, there needs to be a 5 day option, z-packs are 5 days and a 3 day option. Yes, I can type it in but I'm lazy. And if I type in an inhaler for 90 days, it has a problem allowing me to just send three inhalers. Same with BCP's.


Optometrist in USA

Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

NextGen is not user friendly

2,0vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare:I was unhappy with the product because it slowed me down and required so much excess minutia in button clicking and scrolling. Overall it is a very inconvenient software to use. Eventually I became accustomed to it, but you realize how bad it is once you switch to a better software


The layout is fairly readable.Sometimes it is nice to click on a box and have it instantly bring up a table to select different options, but it is generally annoying and difficult to customize.


Excessive tabs, scrolling, and button-clicking. It is very time-consuming to complete exam charts due to the poor layout design of the system. The layout design does not utilize monitor real estate very well.


Attending in USA

Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Get to know it

5,0vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare:Took a while to learn the system, but in’s you learn the ins and outs of navigation it a breeze


Everything thing you need is there. Options are unlimited. Navigation is straight forward once you learn the system. Support is knowlegible and fast.


Tough to learn. Training team needs a lot to be desired



Verwendete die Software für: Nicht angeboten

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

5,0vor 11 Jahren

Kommentare:I've always been intrigued with the idea of automating as much as possible in the doctor's office. In addition, I am very compulsive about the quality of clinical note that I write. Over the years this has created circ*mstances where I would get behind on my documentation simply because I didn't have the time to write a quality note until the weekend. I have spent a very large amount of time off work on completing these charts.
I saw MediTouch at a Texas Osteopathic Medical Association meeting and was fascinated with the scope of it's abilities in practice management and medical documentation and the relative simplicity of its use. The reasonableness of the cost was also attractive to me, particularly after going home and calculating the amount of money I spent on printing, mailing, and licensing fees for my checklist medical record system which I was using at the time. I was amazed to find that it saved me $1500.00 a month by a conservative estimation; not to mention improving the accuracy of my insurance filing, and the turnaround time of my payments.
The responsiveness of the people at HealthFusion is also quite good. If there is an issue, there are multiple ways to get in touch - including after-hours emergency contact ability, which I have actually used once on a Sunday night. My problem on that occasion was resolved almost immediately.
Implementation was a major learning curve as we did it on the fly (as we had been encouraged to do), and while this was extremely trying, it did speed the implementation process along quite well. The fact that the training program is on the Internet and easily accessed is quite good; although, as a constructive criticism, the training program actually could benefit the user if it were streamlined and changed from the format of hour-long lectures.
I love walking into the treatment room with an iPad under my arm and not having to leaf through six-inch thick charts to find last year's laboratory work or an x-ray that I need to compare to this year's.
I really love ePrescribing in the patient room to any pharmacy in the country, and knowing a call back will not occur because the pharmacist can't read the prescription. The first year we started using the system, I was on a Mediterranean cruise and refilled some prescriptions using my iPad from a lounge in the ship because I could.
As for my documentation compulsion, I dictate personalization nuances into the available visit templates in MediTouch using Dragon NaturallySpeaking (which I have been training for over 8 years). I walk out of the office with all of my charts done, and all of my insurance claims completed almost every day.


Office Manager in USA

Medizinische Praxis

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

I love MediTouch PM Software

5,0vor 9 Jahren


I love the A/R features. I love how fast I get paid by commercial vendors. I love how intuitive it is on helping avoid claim issues. I did not have any issues with implementation. I have had nothing but good experience with support. We have had this EMR for over a year (and I have dealt with a few) and this is by far the best I've used. We have not had any issues with it going down. We have called when we have thought the system was down and they have guided use through issues with browsers, internet speed etc. So we were always glad we called, problems solved when we thought it was on their end. Yes, claim eligibility check is only on some providers but if you get to know how to use it more in depth it can be VERY helpful in further info not just for eligibility but for knowing primary care provider etc. I have had ZERO issues with auto post and yes, I have double checked. I also really like their statement service, I review each statement before I "send" them to them to send for me but no more issues with bad addresses etc and well worth the money. Their "help" section is great. The help sheets are AWESOME. I email support more than I've ever called them and they send me helpsheets when I can't find them.


I would like a better way to weed out the non paid lines with auto post instead of dumping them all to the appeal bucket. I would like to be able to attach a claim to the billing comments and be able to send them to another employee to review. I wish that I could upload our own forms to save in the system- I do not like the forms library at all, pretty well worthless to us, I would like it if I could upload, name our files and use it that way.


Podiatrist in USA

Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

About to go live

5,0vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare:In my heart I know, after the growing pains, it will be a good product. They have a lot of videos to watch and webinars available. Call back is never as quick as when you need help.


2015 certifiedAPMA partnered to work with them. NextGen uses APMA registry.Health Fusion was already purchased by NextGen so they aren't going anywhere.Customizable


1. It looks great when sales people show you but out of the box requires A LOT of customization. Of course, the good is that it is able to be customized - but YOU do it.2. YOU do all work. They show you but you DO it3. Many of the verbage they use looks good until you READ it. Then you realize how many changes YOU need to make.


Office Manager in USA

Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Very user friendly

5,0letztes Jahr

Kommentare:I think NextGen is more user friendly than patient friendly so depending on your needs, it may not be the best system for you. The overall system is extremely clean and easy to navigate. There is a lot of customization and features that you can add in and take out as needed.


NextGen is by far one of the easiest EHR providers to use. It is extremely user friendly and straightforward. One of my favorite features is how you can set access and abilities for each user and their specific role/responsibilities.


While I love the clipboard to easily drag and drop appointments, I wish the system showed the original appointment in the patient chart and that it was moved. It happens sometimes but not usually and it would be helpful to note that the appointment was moved. The patient portal and documents definitely need work as they don't always work to their complete functionality.


Verwendete die Software für: Nicht angeboten

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

1,5vor 11 Jahren

Kommentare:I am a Pulmonologist in a busy private subspecialty practice. I have experience using several diffeent electronic health records. Our practice has been using the NextGen product for more than 7 years--so I can speak as a battle tested user of this product. There are certainly some advantages to using any decent electronic health record including access to outpatient records across campus, handling of phone calls, archiving of information, etc. However, the NexGen product has a long, long way to go to catch up. For communication with other physicians the product is atrocious. Computer generated notes are laden with typographical errors, grammatical errors, truncated sentences, and at times gross inaccuracies. For instance, our current template for physical examination puts no output into the office note for the pulmonary exam (and this is for a busy pulmonary practice!). Here is a recent example of text from a COPD follow up note template:Reason(s) for Visit:
1. COPD - routine follow-up -The patient is seen in follow-up for COPD. The COPD - routine follow-up began since the last office visit. The COPD - routine follow-up has worsened. It occurs daily. The patient rates the severity of the symptoms as mildly severe. Symptom is aggravated by moderate activity. Symptoms relieved by resting and sitting. ....
On top of this there are nonsensical changes of font size and style in midsentence that make office documents look like ransom notes. I care about the quality of my written work, so I literally spend hours each, most of our template improvements are wiped out. In my view, NextGen was clearly built first as a billing instrument, not as robust tool to promote all aspects of physician practice. The awards are certainly not for the quality of office notes or layout of screens for the enduser. Labs do not import into notes. Micro reports are difficult to read and necessitate scrolling through multiple windows. Data trending graphs are clunky, improperly scaled and often misplotted. As a practice group, we have tried to work with the NexGen programmers and have been very dissatisfied over 7 years with their lack of responsiveness and seeming inability to fix identified problems. Often when one problem is solved many more are created. As a result, our practice has invested a large amount of funding to support a local programmer to try to correct many of basic flaws in the software that should be part of the package out of the box. Unfortunately, with major system upgrades most of our template improvements have been wiped out.

Verifizierter Rezensent

Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn

Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: GetApp

Incompetence with revenue cycle team and poorly built EMR

3,0vor 5 Monaten

Kommentare:Poor. Been with this EMR for over 5 years and it seems to get worse every year. When you point out problems they just refer you to a different "team" within nextgen and this process continues while mistakes continue to be made. Very poor communication.


Its relatively cheap, however you get what you pay for...


Recurrent multiple mistakes by billing side (revenue cycle), very poor communication. Multiple teams handle your account but none of these teams communicate with each other causing recurrent mistakes and constant oversight by the user

Antwort von NextGen Healthcare

vor 5 Monaten

We hear your frustration. Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention. The experience you describe falls far short of the high standards we set for ourselves. If you are open to a live conversation, I would welcome learning additional details. Please email me at with some time options that work for you, and we’ll set up a call. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Colleen Edwards

Verifizierter Rezensent

Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn

Medizinische Praxis, 2–10 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Not bad but it had to grow on me

3,0vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare:We use NextGen to create patient charts to submit and generate claims to send through our clearinghouse. The set up was off to a rocky start but overall we have learned how to use the system and utilize the functions. It is not too difficult to use and for the most part easy to navigate and understand after fully learning the in's and out's of the system.


The billing chart entry is not terrible. After a while you get used to it. It is fairly simple to use once you have a full understanding of how it works and able to easily operate it. The charge entry is extremely simple giving you step-by-step charge entry points to easily understand.


The customer service was NOT great. I dont know if perhaps my experience was unique but especially when it came to deployment it had a very difficult time. I do not like how they restrict you on what you are allowed to do within your own database. I wish the user had more capabilities especially when initially setting it up for the office. I feel like every time I have an issue no one knows how to answer it and just passes me off to the next person.


IT Manager in USA

Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 11–50 Mitarbeiter

Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre

Herkunft der Bewertung

Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

Powerful But Steep Learning Curve

4,0vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare:NextGen is a very powerful and highly customizable EHR and practice management suite. It is especially handy and speedy if you have it hosted on premise along with a powerful server for SQL. With the right expertise, NextGen can be customized to exactly how you want it to behave. The interface may look a little dated at this point but functionally it is very good. You may also want fairly beefy PCs since the fat client is resource intensive. Having a NG trained expert (or power user) on call/site is extremely helpful as well to get the settings, auto-flow, and templates setup correctly for your practice. NG is really good for medium sized practices as it can handle multiple practices, providers, and specialties all at once. Some setup tasks can be repetitive (and should really be fixed) but once you get familiar with it, and can stomach the licensing costs, NG will serve your practice well as a long term EHR.


NextGen is vastly powerful and has lots of feature that are either built in or can be added.Good SQL performance.Flexible and customizable.


Steep learning curve, onsite SME highly recommended.Expensive licensingHigh server and PC requirement to get the best performance

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NextGen Office Erfahrungen (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.