DRAM Calculator for Ryzen 1.7.2 – what is new? (2025)

DRAM Calculator for Ryzen 1.7.2 – what is new? (1)

Article - Guide - Review

DRAM Calculator for Ryzen 1.7.2 – what’s new
An update article written and provided by Yuri "1usmus" Bubliy, author of this application.

The DRAM Calculator for Ryzen 1.7.2 is one of the few versions that has received a global memory retest on the newest AGESA. Over 900 hours were spent testing memory based on Samsung b-die, Micron e-die (062 and 055) and Hynix CJR(DJR) chips. The changes affected all settings, from procODT to VDDG operating voltage.

Another important change is the presence of profiles with odd tCL15, this will eliminate the problems that users have encountered trying to stabilize the system with the value tCL14. Also in this release, the user interaction with the program has been simplified, in particular, 1.7.2 has delete the R-XMP button (one extra user action). Now the order is as follows:

1) The user selects the settings that match his system.

2) The user presses the "Calculate SAFE" or "Calculate FAST" button and that is it.

The program selects the SPD profile itself relative to the selected DRAM PCB Revision parameter. The DRAM PCB Revision parameter is essentially new, and means a PCB revision that has RAM. It is very easy to visually determine the PCB revision:

Note the sockets for the memory chips. In case of A0 they are equidistant, and in case of A2 we have 2 groups of 4 modules each. That's all we're interested in, actually. When visually inspecting the memory, we can determine for ourselves on which revision of the PCB your memory is based. A1 is most often found in OEM products that have an ECC module. We are not interested in this type of memory, because it does not give way to overclocking.

Also in the DRAM PCB Revision point you can see the option "Bad bin" - it exists for the situation when the settings offered by DRAM Calculator for Ryzen™ do not allow to start the system.

The "Manual" option has not changed its functions and is used to calculate timings after importing a profile from Thaiphoon.

Another important innovation with DRAM Calculator for Ryzen™ 1.7.1 is the updated functionality for the "Compare timings (ON/OFF)" button. It now not only shows the current timings, but also the ones that are "heavily jammed", look satisfying or can be reduced further. In the form of indicators, the colors from red to turquoise (4 levels of colors). Let's take an example:

Note that some timings are already red - this indicates that the memory has already reached the limit for adequate voltage (up to 1.45v). The orange color indicates that memory may be able to compress these timings. Green and turquoise - these timings are far from the safe zone.

As a result, even an inexperienced user will now know where to "spin" the timings. This tool will help users in situations where "SAFE" is stable, but "FAST" has errors. At the moment this function is limited only by memory based on Samsung b-die chips and the entire line of AM4 processors. If the feedback is positive - this function will be distributed to other types of memory.

The last visual change is the new menu "Help and my reviews" - the section where there are buttons-links to my materials (reviews) and to other information sources or forums.

Most materials have several language versions for your convenience. I promise that the review of the keyboard will not come to :)

The list of all changes can be found below:

  • Support OC assist for Micron E-die (A2) and CJR/DJR (A0 and A2)
  • Some correction for OC assist (Samsung B-die)
  • Additional presets for Hynix CJR / DJR (now A0 and A2)
  • Error fix : "Parse data"
  • Minor fix : voltage for Samsung B-die
  • Minor fix : some timings for Micron E-die
  • Minor fix : tWRRD for 4 DIMM configuration
  • Reworking of all presets for Samsung b-die, Micron e-die and Hynix CJR(DJR). Improved support for configurations with 4 or 8 RAM modules.
  • R-XMP and Calculate EXTREME buttons removed.
  • Added new Help and my reviews section, which provides links to my materials in addition to reference information.
  • DRAM PCB Revision - select PCB RAM for more accurate calculation of timings. In most cases it is recommended to use "A0" for better compatibility.
  • The "Compare timings (ON/OFF)" button has received updated functionality. It can read not only the timings, but also show the state of the timings in a color. Your personal assistant for creating individual presets.
  • Added the "New version?" button. - button allows you to visit the product homepage and read the materials regarding DRAM Calculator for Ryzen™, check for updates or ask any question.
  • Error fixes and some graphical adjustments.


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DRAM Calculator for Ryzen 1.7.2 – what is new? (2025)
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