Air Conditioners | Air Con Systems & Units For Sale (2025)

Looking to keep cool this Summer? Find out which type of Air Conditioner is right for you.

Air Conditioners are a great way to keep home cool in hot weather. With so many options available, pick an AC unit that’s right for you with these top considerations.

What sorts of Air Conditioners are there?

There are several types of Air Conditioners on the market today. The most popular type of AC unit in Australia is a Split System Air Conditioner (which can also be Reverse Cycle allowing them to heat or cool), however Window Wall and Portable Air Conditioners are available for different use cases too. All AC units work by sucking in the warm air of the room, refrigerating it then pushing the cooled air back into the room whilst expelling excess heat outside.

Split System ACs consist of two units connected by pipes. The indoor unit sucks warm air from the room and blows back cool air, whilst the outdoor unit refrigerates the air and vents heat. Whilst it requires professional Installation, Split System ACs are the quietest and the most energy efficient.

Window Wall and Portable AC units are the least expensive units to buy and can be self-installed. They are a great budget or temporary AC option for renters. Window ACs and some Portable ACs require an available window or opening to the outdoors to vent excess heat through.

What size Air Conditioner do I need?

Before purchasing a new Air Conditioner, it's important to get accurate measurements for the dimensions of the home or room it's for. If an AC unit is too powerful for its service area then it will run more frequent cycles to achieve a target temperature, which makes it more power intensive and costly over time. This Heating and Cooling Calculator made by Fair Air in partnership with the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) can help you decide on the perfect size Aircon to reduce energy load and your bills.

For Window Wall Units it's important to make sure it fits comfortably in the window frame and that the frame itself is stable and supports the unit’s weight. Portable ACs usually need to be placed near a window for heat venting and also be nearby a electrical wall socket. Power Boards and Extension Cords can be a fire hazard for Portable ACs and may void the warranty, so consult the manual or brand's website to check before committing to a unit.

How much power does an Air Conditioner use?

Although the energy efficiency of individual models will vary, Split System Air Conditioners are generally the most energy efficient units around. These units also tend to be the most energy efficient options for Heating if they have a Reverse Cycle function. Window Wall Air Conditioners are less efficient but are still good at cooling or heating smaller rooms and spaces. Sadly, Portable ACs are not considered energy efficient at all.

There are many variables to consider when shopping for the most energy efficient AC unit. Dimensions of the room, how it's furnished, the size and orientation of windows and the unit, insulation, types of shades / curtains and local climate all play a role in determining how best to cool and heat a home.

Since April 2020, all Air Conditioners sold in Australia are rated using the Zoned Energy Rating Label (ZERL), which can be used to compare models of same or similar sizes and factors, across separate ratings for in various seasonal and regional climates.

Is an Air Conditioner easy to clean?

Regularly cleaning an Air Conditioner is an easy and effective way to keep it running efficiently. All AC units come with an instruction manual either in the box or online that will describe how to take apart, clean and maintain the AC unit. Remember to always make sure that the power to the unit is switched off at the wall before any maintenance is undertaken.

All Air Conditioning units have a filter designed to trap dust and dirt from the air. If these become too dirty, they will begin to block airflow in the unit and may even become mouldy. Aim to clean the filters every few weeks when in use by simply taking them outside and shaking them off or using a Vacuum Cleaner. In heavy soiled cases, they can also be washed under the tap and left to air dry before reinstalling. Consider regularly wiping down the front grill and louvers and cleaning out any drains or pans if the unit doesn't freely drain.

Remember that the times of year when you most use your AC are also the busiest times for licensed AC maintenance. It's a good idea to check how the AC is running and book any necessary repairs in low use periods like Autumn and Spring before Summer and Winter hit.

Air Conditioners | Air Con Systems & Units For Sale (2025)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.